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Well, since I'm retired (i.e. not heading off to a place of paid employment) I'd like to replace the Work of your tripartite reflective piece with Walking. Which I am endeavouring to do on at least four mornings a week. Locally it is either to OR from or to AND from Murrays Beach or in the same way between home and Pelican Emergency Services/Joy Flights or Skydiving Airport. Or when in Sydney - walks to Tarban Creek from Hunters Hill. Locally - one involves some strenuous up-and-down - the other is 95% flat walking. I take note of the skies, the gardens or bushland - the birds - whip birds, bell-birds, magpies, kookaburras (brush turkeys in Hunters Hill). And I lose myself in reveries of past experiences - travelling, living in Japan, friends - books I am reading - things I am writing or have just written - the terrorism of the Zionists - lans for travelling to Canberra and on to Jindabyne soon to happen - and so forth. And conversations with strangers met at The Billycart pop-up coffee/hot chocolate stand at the Pelican Airport - just to-day a chap who had part of his childhood at Gunnedah - just across from where I grew up in Tamworth... Anyway - this year comes to a close - NYE acts as a separation (artificial though it is) as if January 1st operates as a new beginning - a re-set! If it suits one's needs - so be it. I am now deep into Mark Dapin's LEST (Australian War Myths). Brilliant. I should have added Reading to my version of a response to Hoysted's 2024 round-up. Walking, Love, Writing and Reading! Happy 2025. Jim

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